April 01, 2015

Ellen's Design Challenge at our School... or maybe just her inspiration!

SUPER EXCITED about my new Jr High Project!!  I'm an addicted HGTV chick... and fell in love with Ellen's Design Challenge.  So if you love art and you love furniture then why not do Art & Furniture!  :)
We have just started this project.  Our Ag teacher is helping me out...and my students are stoked!  These will either be amazing...  or perfect for a bonfire!  :)   Here is the power point I used to help my students:

Partner writing and creating their RUBRIC for their project.  I gave each team the 5 categories.  They had to discuss and determine what criteria that must be met in order to score each area.  We had some great discussion.  I also liked how many of them reworked their sketches afterwards to amp up their designs.
Artist Research in the media center using these sheets:

  Next came the MANY SKETCHES.  Some had trouble deciding which design was the best.  We discussed how we all have strengths in the art room and use those strengths as skills to help each other.  

Finished priming and the building begins....  EXCITING TIMES!!


  1. How fun! I enjoyed that show (my favorite on HGTV is Fixer Upper - Love that couple and their renovations) Looking forward to seeing your students' creations!

  2. Oh Mary... I tell my husband all the time how much I wish I lived in Waco just so they would do my house! :)
