May 22, 2013

Lichtenstein Pop Art Portraits with Attitude

Excited about our new classroom cameras and our unit on POP ART this was a project that could not be skipped.  This idea was inspired by Ms. Lase's art room @  My students cut out a green poster board frame and I laminated the pieces for them to create their art gave it a cool shiny look.  Then we hot glued their personality speech bubbles and they simply crack me up!  Below I will give more instructions and include my power point that I made for my lesson. 
                                 The students could use props and had to be creative in developing their pose that they would model for the photographer.  We discussed how their pose should reflect what they are wanting their caption to describe.  How fun are these?   
My how to power point is here:  The photo workshop power point that I use to teach my students how to use the camera is here:

After their photography session they printed off their pictures and taped them to the back of the laminated frame so they could see their photo through the film.  Next they used sharpies to to the simple black outline.  We discussed the importance of not outlining every detail.

After finishing the outline they used either a ruler to create their BEN DAY dots or I found this great printable of dots to put behind their piece at:  Some used the sheet and others used the ruler.

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