March 21, 2013

2nd grade, Andrew Wyeth and feathers

 This project really "tickled my feather"!  2nd graders did an artist study on Andrew Wyeth.  We looked at many of his pieces then did our focus on his piece above Airborne.  They made their version of the drawing in sharpie.  They were to include the horizon line, a house (or church, or building or school), and draw feathers floating in the background.  They painted with water color then we glued feathers in the foreground.  They so love them too!
We used the book Feathers by Heather Forest to accompany our piece.  
 Feathers, a Jewish Folktale from Eastern Europe
This poignant tale about the power of words shows how a careless rumor can affect a whole village. Illustrated by Marcia Cutchin. August House Publishes, 2005.
Forest's retelling is simple and elegant, using some dialogue and spare descriptions. Cutchin's bright watercolor illustrations fill in the Eastern European setting well, using varying and fresh perspectives. Brightly colored feathers play prominently across the pages. The artist's style is rich in detail... This is an entertaining tale, ably retold, with a timeless lesson.
-- School Library Journal

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