October 28, 2013

Matisse's Pieces - Painting with Scissors

 Thank you Henri Matisse for helping my little artist create these awesome pieces..."Matisse's Pieces!"

Great book about the life of Henri Matisse inspired my students to "Paint with Scissors".  They finished their creations gluing many tiny pieces to their paper...and I really wanted it to have a personal touch...and BAM!  The light came on and we added a personal touch of our own hands and using scissors to cut the pieces.  LOVE LOVE LOVE these!  Great job kindergarten & 1st grade!
Here is my power point I used to help guide:

New York Times:  Outside the Lines - ‘Henri’s Scissors,’ by Jeanette Winter

In “Henri’s Scissors,” Jeanette Winter rushes through the story of Henri Matisse’s childhood, but no worries: it’s his second (far more interesting) childhood that fascinates her. After becoming one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, whose only peer, it could be argued, was the aggressively prolific Picasso, Matisse has grown old. Now infirm and confined to bed, he reflects on his past triumphs in a room colored in the deepest blues and purples.  But inspiration strikes, and using a pair of common household scissors as his magic wand, Matisse cuts shapes out of brightly colored paper and transforms his sickroom into a mystical garden full of flowers and birds. Then, in the final and greatest feat of his career as artist-­sorcerer, “the rainbow of shapes cradled the old artist and carried him into the heavens.”

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