May 20, 2013

We made SUNSHINE on a cloudy day

Found this idea at and fell in love with it.  We did this on water color paper because I did not have enough canvases for my class.  We used ribbon scraps for the rays of sun, instead of scrapbooking paper.  They are just super cheery and we have had TONS of compliments.  They are framers for sure!!!


  1. These are so cool! The colors are vibrant and they look great. Did you do this with k, 1, and 2? What a nice way to use up scraps and talk about warm and cool colors :)

    1. They are so HAPPY feeling! I highly recommend doing them and they were very easy. I had ribbon scraps so I used those instead of the scrapbook paper, but either looks fab!
      Yes, I did these with K, 1 and 2. They were very easy to do, we were able to discuss arm and cool colors, we sang Mr. Sun and did a Sun Poem....can you tell we are craving sunshine and summer here in Arkansas! :)
