May 06, 2013

Tasty Art Cafeteria Makeover Donors Choose Donations

Health Wellness & Medical Sciences Eagle Mountain Magnet Elementary ART WINNERS
These art pieces will be featured in the newly remodeled elementary cafeteria.

Hi Friends,

It's Teacher Appreciation Week, and my friends at want to celebrate! 

In honor of teachers across the country, donations to classroom projects will be doubled this week! If you know anyone who is passionate about education, please pass this along. Your donation will brighten my students' school year, and you'll get photos and thank yous from our class.

We are trying to do a Cafeteria Makeover using our students ART!
Here's my teacher page where you can donate or if you know any one that might want to help us out:

To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the match code TREAT on the payment screen. This awesome match offer lasts through Friday, May 10.

My students and I greatly appreciate your support.

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