April 29, 2013

I SPY - Louise Nevelson inspired 5th grade Assemblages

 If the video will not play in the power point then the video we used about Nevelson in the power point is here:   http://youtu.be/gKtWwyQeG7E 

Our project directions and ideas were inspired by: 
Art idea from:     Bringing Art Home by Maxwell Tielman
**See how we are using the book at the end of the page.
We also watched this you tube link on tips for How to Use Spray Paint at:  http://youtu.be/OH2B2DNJB74

My students began by bringing in random items from home and going on a scavenger hunt at school.  We talked about how the items needed to be 3demensional and light weight.  We looked for items that would draw the eye and be interesting to look at when assembled.  They brought in old game board pieces, cleaned out the kitchen drawer and bottom of the toy box.  It was really cool seeing the variety of pieces they brought in to class and they were so excited to show everyone. 

The next step was to decide which pieces they would use, how they would overlap and arrange.  We went back and looked at Nevelson's assemblages and discussed why she arranged things the way she did.  What made pieces stand out and draw the eye in even though it was painted a solid color.  This really helped in the planning.
Next they hot glued their pieces into box lids then spray painted their box a solid color.  They LOVED using the spray paint!  It was MESSY, but so fun!  I did the project with 80 students and went through 15 cans of spray paint.  So keep that in mind when purchasing paint.
Last we arranged them on the wall.  They look SO COOL!  We have had tons of compliments!  
I took photos of the boxes and we are in the process of creating an I Spy book and posters to display with our boxes.  This way viewers will read and look to be actively engaged in our art.  Pictures to come soon of the book posters. 

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